Capturing beauty, touching the soul

Our God is big enough to deal with our doubts,
strong enough to hold our despair and faithful enough to pull us through and out the other side. This book arose from a personal journey of faith. I found the paintings encouraged others and felt that I should share my collection of Imaginative Art or "visual prayers" further afield. I hope you too find encouragement here - art to lift your heart.
Abraham held on to a promise that flew in the face of circumstance, but God came through for him, starting a line of descendants that would outnumber the stars! Using verses and personal reflections, This book encourages you to hold on to God's promises, regardless of circumstance, and find refuge in a place of prayer and praise.
20 years passed from the very first painting to the publication of Abraham's Stars, so it was not a journey I took lightly. Since then I have discovered that it sits in homes in Africa, the Americas, India and Europe!

Video music :Traveler by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons
BY Attribution 4.0 License
"This book has spoken to me in a deeper way than I could ever explain. The amount of times it got me through pain or a sleepless night is hard to count! Through years of suffering with a long term illness I have been reminded to find comfort and purpose in God's promises through these words and pictures, and now in a season of rejoicing it still speaks to me!"
Joy McCann - Tanzania Bridge of Hope & Trinity Nakuru, Kenya
"The book begins with familiar words from scripture, and then Beverley becomes the psalmist herself and invites us to praise with her... It's not enough to just read this book. It needs to be used prayerfully. There is a deepness to it. Whether your journey is hard or difficult, or you just need a reminder of God's love and presence in your life, this book will allow you to hold on to those very promises of God which will be fulfilled, because God is faithful."
Richard Ryan - Owner of The Book Well and reviewer UCB Ireland